Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a Mexican holiday that celebrates the lives of those who have passed away.

It is a time for families to come together to remember and honor their loved ones, and to celebrate the cycle of life and death.

The holiday is celebrated over two days, November 1 and 2. On November 1, the Day of the Innocents, the spirits of children who have died are believed to return to the world of the living.

. On November 2, the Day of the Dead, the spirits of adults who have died are believed to return.

Families build altars, called ofrendas, in their homes to honor their deceased loved ones. The altars are typically decorated with marigold flower.

Some people believed to guide the spirits home, as well as photos, candles, food, and other items that were meaningful to the deceased

People also visit the graves of their loved ones to clean and decorate them. They may also leave offerings on the graves, such as food, flowers, or candles.

Dia de los Muertos is a vibrant and colorful holiday that is celebrated with music, dance, and food. It is a time for families to come together and celebrate the lives of their loved ones.